PHP for Beginners 2023 Part 4: Build a Game
In this course you will use a variety of tools to build a game. The game is based on the hangman word game in which a word is selected at random and each letter represented by underscore characters. You then need to guess the word before you run out of lives.
The development of this games involves the use of:
Font Awesome
HTML 5 Canvas
…and even an AJAX call
You will learn about the integration of the tools above and complete a full project.
There are over 40 video lessons across more than 4 hours of content.
As always, the course is taught by national award-winning teacher, Patrick Morrow. He will guide you through each line of code step-by-step, explaining the details that many tutors and online courses neglect to mention.
The course begins by looking at the basic logic behind the hangman game before delving into more complex code. Patrick even manages to include an AJAX call using jQuery!
The latter videos contain a series of challenges that have been uniquely designed to depend your understanding. Every challenge is accompanied by a full solution with every line of code explained.
If there is something you do not understand then simply contact Patrick. He is very active on the courses and quickly responds to students.
The video below is a sample of one of the challenges.
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